I have this saying on a t-shirt and it's one of my favorites... 

It is a fabulous reminder that no matter what situation you are facing, no matter what valley you are walking through, no matter what mountain you are trying to climb... you won't always get it right, and that's OK.

God doesn't expect you to, but He loves you anyway, in spite of, and just because.

He's got you, friend. Don't try to do it all on your own.

You aren't perfect... and you don't have to be. But you are ALWAYS and FOREVER forgiven.

Have you received it?

I have something special for you if you would like some daily doses of encouragement over the next few weeks...

A 21 day series consisting of a simple email each day with...
an encouraging quote...
a few simple thoughts...
a journaling prompt if you like to write out your feelings...
and a printable journal to write it in!

If this is something you would like to receive, I would be honored and blessed to share it with you! 


Let's Connect!
