Here's what others are saying...

"One year ago Nicole starting posting videos on Facebook.   It was talking about some of her financial journey, and some of the new things she was putting in place.  There was talk of budgeting, and cash envelopes, and tracking things.  It all sounded very overwhelming to me.  
I was happy, and interested to hear of the progress she was making in her own life, but I thought that’s not for me!!  That’s only for people who have enough to make ends meet, only for people that made all kinds of extra money that they could pay things down.   I was living paycheck to paycheck.  Credit cards were there for emergencies - but it seemed one emergency after another.  We couldn’t afford to pay any extra, and I was sick to my stomach worrying about the next emergency that would crop up.  
I figured I would listen to what she had to say, and maybe in the future - when things changed- maybe I could use that info then.  As I was listening one day, she said something that changed my whole view on finances.  Something that could make this possible, even for me in my situation.  She said something  along the lines of - This is a plan for the money you already have.   You don’t need to make more money to pay down debt.   Could that actually be true?
Well I can tell you 100 percent yes!   
2020 was a doozy of a year,  but never in a million years could I have imagined my financial life to be where it is right now.   We have paid OFF 4 of our 5 credit cards.  The 5th will be paid off by the end of January.  We are on a fast track to have our Mortgage paid off in 6 years and 9 months.   I paid cash to fill my heating fuel tank.  I just bought a new piece of living room furniture.  A birthday comes up, and no big deal - here’s the cash.   
How could I have thought that a budget was overwhelming, and oppressive when really it’s empowering, and freeing?!  She did a 2 month workshop in February(?) So all of this has happened in less than 1 year.  It blows my mind.  I am so thankful to Nicole for literally changing my life!!!"

Jennifer P.
I have been married for over 40 years and have tried many times to set up a budget, but because of my husbands seasonal work, 
having to figure in unemployment and self employment, and adding in some rental properties we have... 
I never could figure it out.  

I contacted Nicole for help, and so glad I did! 

In just one setting, she was able to get us set up and budgeting and is only a phone call away if needed. 

Thanks Nicole... I couldn't have done it without you!!

Dee R.

Today I had a one-on-one call with Nicole & it could not have been a better time. This year I know I will be making more in my business & with that comes more responsibility.  

I hate taxes, I have no idea what to write off, what to track, how to track my income and outgoing. I have tried to do it on my own & every time I tried something new I would stop doing it after a week cause I had no idea what I was doing.

After a one hour call with Nicole I am seriously so excited to use the tools she has given me & track my income!! If I ever got audited I would be a ok!!!

Plus at the end of this year I will not be stressed about filing my taxes!! One less thing to worry about in my business.

Thank you Nicole! I feel a huge sense of relief.

Amanda S.


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