
Essential Oil Education 

Your education does not stop here . . . I encourage you to continue by plugging into SOME of these Facebook groups and following a FEW people who have amazing education to share.

You can't do it all, you can't follow everyone, you can't learn all the things all at once . . . pace yourself.  Find those people who you resonate with the most and learn from them.  Don't chase all the {shiny objects} or that is all you will get done doing is chasing.  

The beauty of this is that everyone's journey is different, but the destination is the same . . . wellness, purpose & abundance! How you choose to get there is totally up to you.

Facebook Groups and Communities

Personal Upline Leadership Groups:

Essential Success Community 

Kingdom Courtyard 

Other Educational Groups 

Publishers & Books



  • Growing Healthy Homes (

  • Life Science Publishing (

  • Made Simply Pure (

  • Oil Revolution Design (

  • Oil Supply Store (

  • Inspired Sharing (


  • Grow, by Amanda Uribe, Young Living Crown Diamond

  • Dig, by Amanda Uribe, Young Living Crown Diamond

  • Go Pro, by Eric Worre, Network Marketing Professional

  • Gameplan, by Sarah Harnisch, Young Living Diamond

  • Essential Sharing, by Vicki Opfer, Young Living Royal Crown Diamond, and Chris Opfer, Son and Business Partner

  • Do the Hard Work, Jordan Schrandt

  • Afformations, Noah St. John

  • The Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod



Follow those who are where you want to be.  These are some of the faces of Young Living and/or network marketing of very successful individuals who share amazing content and value.

Let's Connect!