Young Living Product Hacks

Here you will learn some unique ways to use your Young Living products in order to get
more bang for your buck, and stretch those dollars even further!

Eyelash extender

Naturally extend your eyelashes!

Use your Savvy Mineral Veil to make your eye lashes naturally longer!

Here’s how:
1. Apply your first coat of mascara.
2. Dip your eye shadow brush into the mineral veil and lightly apply to your wet mascara.
3. Apply second set of mascara.

Enjoy your beautiful, longer eyelashes!


reuse old bottles


Use Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak to remove labels from old bottles!

Have some empty bottles you want to reuse?
Soak them in a bowl of warm water with 2-3 capfuls of the fruit & veggie soak!
Labels will peel right off! Easy as that!



diy 'swiffer' pads


Make your own swifter pads with Thieves Cleaner!

One big expenses that you can't buy at YL is Swifter mop pads. They're toxic, expensive and let's face it....Target isn't giving you anything to buy these necessary little mop pads!

So here's a hack for you to make your own and it's SUPER easy and inexpensive!

1. Take a roll of paper towels, preferably the thicker options but any kind will work.
2. Tear off several sheets that will wrap around the base of your swifter.
3. Make your soaking solution of 10 caps of Thieves Household Cleaner + 2ish C of filtered water (I don't measure anything so use your best judgement 😉)
4. Put your paper towels into a container that has an airtight lid.
5. Pour your THHC solution over the paper towels and let them soak.
6. Use any time you need to clean your floors!

You can also use cotton rags or cut up old t-shirts which makes them washable and saves even more $$$


no more tears


Use Thieves Oil to keep your eyes from watering while cutting onions.

Put a few drops in a bowl of water next to your cutting board and enjoy your eyes being tear free! You can also try just sitting the open bottle next to you.


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