Were you born blind?

Chances are if you are reading this, you probably weren't born blind... but I bet it's safe to assume that you have found yourself presented with a situation or two in your life where you have asked the very common, one-word question, "Why?"

There's a story in the Bible about a man that was born blind. I am sure there were many times in his life when he questioned the why. 

The disciples also asked Jesus why this man was born blind. Their reasoning was very interesting. They thought it was simply for one of two reasons - either he sinned or his parents sinned.

I love Jesus' answer. "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins... this happened so the power of God could be seen in him."

When we are faced with hard situations, situations that we just don't understand and there seems to be no good reason for, it is so easy to let Satan plant those seeds that we are being punished for something. I don't believe that is how God works.

God had a very special purpose for this man's life. He wanted to use him in a very powerful way.

But in order for that purpose to be realized, he had to endure years of darkness. Do you think in the end he felt it was worth it?

He had to be blind in order to truly be able to see. 
He got to experience firsthand the miracle-working power of Jesus.

Don't think for one minute that God can't reach into your darkness and shine His light.
Don't stop believing for your miracle.

The situation you find yourself in right now may be exactly where God needs you to be before He can rock your world. Will it be worth it?

Until next time, friend... blessings!


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