The Miracle Morning...

The Miracle Morning...

Hey Friend,

Are you an 'early to bed early to rise' kinda person, or a night owl who has a hard time crawling out of bed in the morning (or afternoon)?

I have never really been a night owl, but also not a super early riser until the last few years.

I stumbled upon this book called 'The Miracle Morning' (ever heard of it? read it?) and it had me intrigued. I don't want to spill all the beans, so let me just share with you the blurb from the back cover...

"What if you could miraculously wake up tomorrow and any - or every area of your life was transformed? What would be different? Would you be happier? Healthier? More successful? In better shape? Would you have more energy? Less Stress? More Money? Significantly better personal and professional relationships? Which of your problems would be solved?

What if I told you that there is a 'not-so-obvious' secret that is guaranteed to transform any - or literally every area of your life, faster than you ever thought possible? What if I told you it would only take 6 minutes a day?

Enter the Miracle Morning. What's now being practiced by thousands of people around the work could perhaps be the simplest approach to creating the life you've always wanted. It's been right there in front of us, but this book has finally brought it to life.

Are you ready? The next chapter of your life - the most extraordinary life you've ever imagined - is about to begin."

Woah! Those are some pretty serious claims, right?

Let me back up a minute and tell you this isn't some far-fetched, woo-woo, hoogely-boogely stuff... I'm not all about that.
It's also not simply a get-rich-quick kinda book that touts nothing but prosperity and wealth... I'm not all about that either.

This is about YOU... your mindset, your outlook on life, your attitude.
See your life is what you make it. That doesn't mean things will always be easy and that you will never fall on hard times or walk through dark valleys... but the way you approach those moments in your life is what will make all the difference. 

So why am I telling you this... 

Guarding the Gate opens in just one week (if you aren't sure what that is, you can click THIS LINK for the description), and one of the first things we will be doing there, TOGETHER, is a 30-Day Miracle Morning Transformation Challenge. This will be based off of the book (obviously) which you can grab HERE if you don't have it yet. 

Whatever negative thoughts that are already running through your head as to why you can't do this, let them go... right now! If you want to change any of those areas of your life listed above, now is the time to make it happen. "If you want your life to be different, you have to be willing to do something different first!" ~TMM

So now is your chance to do something different, with a group of others who are doing something different, too! Are you ready to...

"Conquer the morning and you'll conquer the day."

I would love to know if you plan to join us on this journey. Be sure to grab your book, request to join our group, and then either comment on this blog post, or message me personally. Share what goals you WILL accomplish during these 30 days so I can encourage you and cheer you on! And if you have questions, ask away!

Until next time... Blessings!


Other ways to connect...

Hop over to my FREE Facebook Community where we dig deeper into each week's blog post...

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Grab my FREE 'Guide to Stewarding Your Mind, Body and Money' HERE.

Even in the waiting, He's still working...

Even in the waiting, He's still working...

Hey Friend,

Would you consider yourself a patient person?
Do you like to wait for things?

For me, that's a BIG NO!! 

If you have been holding on to a big dream for a long time,
if you have been working towards a goal for years,
if you have been praying about a specific need for what seems like forever,
the waiting can be really hard... really hard.

That's where part of that persistence comes in that we talked about last week... 
Staying the course.
Pushing forward.
One foot in front of the other.

God is always faithful to remind me through various means that even in the waiting He is still working. 

“Throughout scripture, there’s not a man or woman that God used in a powerful way who didn’t first face a long and difficult time of waiting.”


"So what do I do while I'm waiting?"

Well.... I'm glad you asked. :) Here are my thoughts...

1.  Be Grateful - yes, as my friend Anna says, "Even in this you are blessed." Even in the waiting you are blessed. Grab a journal and purpose to write down 1-3 things every day that you are grateful for and allow those to be your focus.

2. Continue to Trust - even though God is not working things out as fast as you may like, He hasn't went anywhere. He still sees, hears, and knows all. Do not let your trust in His plan and purpose for your life waver in the waiting.

3. Lean In - the devil wants nothing more than for your season of waiting to cause a separation. He will begin to plant seeds of doubt and do everything in his power to steal your peace. Now is the time to press hard into Jesus, my friend.

4. Serve - shift the focus off of yourself and look outward. Who can you serve while you are waiting? God may purposely have you in this season as a way of slowing you down long enough so that you can be available to meet someone else's need.

5. Be Watchful and Hope - fill yourself with anxious expectation of what God is doing on your behalf, even if you aren't seeing it yet. There is a beautiful song by Danny Gokey called, "Haven't Seen It Yet." Find it on YouTube or Google and give a listen. Don't be so caught up in the way you think things should turn out, that you miss the blessings He is dropping all around you.

None of these things come easy friend, they require intention and perseverance. But stay the course. I promise, God isn't finished yet.

Until next time... Blessings!


Don't forget, the gate opens on our new group, Guarding the Gate... of your Home, Body & Mind, on July 15th! 

  • If you are in a season of waiting and you are looking for a space filled with education and encouragement, come and join us! 
  • If you aren't in a season of waiting and you have education and encouragement to offer others, come and join us!
  • If you are looking for a group of like-minded people and you want to just be a fly on the wall, come and join us! :)

Persistence over perfection...

Persistence over perfection...

Hey Friend, would you consider yourself a perfectionist... "a person who refuses to accept any standard short of perfection"?

I would have to answer yes for myself.

But to my downfall, that need to have things 'just right' before moving forward has oftentimes... 
  • kept me feeling 'stuck' in places I don't want to be 
  • caused me to fear not making the 'perfect' choice, so I make no choice at all
  • left me feeling frustrated and discouraged over my lack of progress
Can you relate?

Thankfully, true to His amazing character, God always meets me right where I am, in the middle of my mess, with gentle reminders that He is looking for persistence rather than perfection.


Social media has been a place where I have been able to connect with so many amazing people. But given everything that is happening in the world today, I have not been interacting much in good old FB world. Many times I am still unsure of when to speak up and when to shut up. I find that scrolling through my newsfeed no longer brings me joy. 

I want a space free of politics, free of negativity, free of confusion, free of overwhelm, free of everyone knowing everything and everyone else knowing nothing, free of judgment, free of criticism...
A space where I can be me and you can be you, and that's OK... 
A space where others can come to learn, be inspired and feel equipped to handle whatever it is you need to handle.
A space where YOU can feel supported, heard, and encouraged.

So I started to create that SPACE... and boy oh boy, did all the fears and doubts come right to the surface.

All of these feelings well up and spill out every time I embark on a new journey. I was reminded yesterday by a very dear friend that whenever we commit to God's good, the old devil always tries to get his two cents in there and he knows exactly where to strike... for me it is at the heart of my perfection.

The last time you tried this it failed.
Do you really think this time will be different?
What if this isn't the right choice...

There is no perfect choice, there is no perfect answer, there is no perfect outcome.
There is persistent, messy action that moves you forward... done is better than perfect.

I don't know exactly what it's going to look like...
I don't have everything perfectly planned out...
I don't know where it will lead...
and that's OK (or at least that is what I am telling myself, remember I'm not perfect!)

Do you have a spirit of perfectionism that is keeping you from taking action?
Have you been feeling led to step out of your comfort zone and do a new thing, but fears over it not being 'perfect' are keeping you right where you are?
Are you mulling over whether or not it's the right choice, so you aren't making any choice at all?

Step out in faith today, my friend.
Kick that spirit of perfectionism to the curb.
Take messy action.
Just do it. 

Until next time... Blessings!


The Ultimate Mind Control...

The Ultimate Mind Control...

Did you ever really stop to consider... 
the insane amount of thoughts that go through your mind each day
the insane amount of information your brain processes each day
the insane amount of garbage your mind needs to filter through to find truth...

I am super fascinated by something that God created us with called a Reticular Activating System (RAS)... ever heard of it?

Indulge me for a minute while I tap into my inner science geek...

The reticular activating system is a short, pencil-sized piece of the brain located just above where the spinal cord is attached to the brain. It acts as the gatekeeper of information between most sensory systems and the conscious mind. Simply put, it makes sure you brain doesn't have to deal with more information than it can handle, and it lets information through that you are already focusing on... (spoiler alert, that last part is super important!).

In the first three-ish minutes of THIS VIDEO by Mel Robbins, she gives a great explanation from a scientific standpoint of why this system is so important. This is where I geek out when I can learn about specific ways that God designed us to function and then link it back to Scripture.

"For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

Why do you think God gives us so much instruction regarding our mind and the things that we are to think on? It's like He knew whatever we choose to focus on would become more prevalent in our life. ;)

When He created us, He gave us the freedom to be able to think for ourselves. I am pretty sure you are aware of the fall of mankind... enter sinful nature. So now, by nature, our minds are restless, unruly, and at times, downright evil. 

Ever notice how you don't have to teach a kid to lie? 
Ever notice how you don't have to train your brain to think nasty thoughts?

Those things just seem to come naturally, don't they.

It takes work to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5) 
It is a conscious decision to shift our focus to thinking on those things mentioned above.

But it is possible when we give God the ultimate mind control. Does that mean you will never think another negative thought again? Oh, heck no! It is a daily battle. But just like with anything, the more you do it, the easier it will become. And because of the RAS, the more you choose to focus on the good, the more you will see the good.

This passage is from a devotional I use daily called Jesus Calling: Morning and Evening by Sarah Young. 
"Habitual ways of thinking do not die easily. You may need to recapture the same thought many times before you gain mastery over it, but all that effort leads to a marvelous result: increased freedom to think My thoughts and commune deeply with Me. Wait with Me while I renovate you - from the inside out!"

Friend, your mind is a battlefield (and I believe it always will be), but by filling your mind with Truth (His word) and opening yourself up to allow that to transform your way of thinking, one day with God's help you will win the war.

Until next time... Blessings!

Other ways to connect...

Check out my FREE Facebook Community...

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Today, I choose...

Today, I choose...

Can we just be real for a hot minute...

Life is hard.
Harder lately.

Can I get an 'AMEN'?

Over these last two weeks, I have succumbed to the frustration, the anger, the sadness, the resentment, the... fill in the blank.
I have given into a mindset of negativity.
I have made poor choices.

You want to know something about choices... you always have one.
Even when you make wrong choices, you have the chance to turn right around and make a better one.


As I sit here typing this (Sat., May 30th), I just finishing reading the book of Habakkuk.
I know, right... Habakkuk... of all the books of the Bible, that is the last place I thought I would find myself.

At the beginning of each book in my Bible, there is a little backstory. Allow me to share some parts of this with you.

"When the book of Habakkuk was written, Judah had fallen into severe moral and social decay, with violence, oppression of the poor, and corruption running rampant. 

Habakkuk was troubled by the prosperity and rise to power of the wicked both inside and outside of Judah, especially at the expense of the poor and righteous. Where was God and why hadn't He done anything about this injustice?

Habakkuk's rhetorical writing style records his questions to God, and... though the Lord's answers to Habakkuk may not have been what he expected, he did realize that God was at work on behalf of His people. Habakkuk made the decision to believe and trust in the faithfulness of God, and to put aside his anxious and temporal thoughts (Phil. 4:6). He set his sights on things above, fixing his hope on the justice and salvation of the Lord. As a consequence, he moved from complaining to confidence, from doubt to trust, from man to God, and from fear to faith."

Did that give you chills? It did me.
You would think that was just written yesterday.
Yet it was written about 600 B.C. and just what I needed TODAY.

What made this even more powerful for me was what was ALREADY written in my Bible when I turned the page...

I have no idea the last time I read Habakkuk, or what was happening in the season of my life when I wrote that caption and made all those underlines... but one thing I do know... God knew when I was doing it way back then, that at this exact moment it would be just what I needed. Friend, He is so faithful like that, don't overlook those little 'God winks' or miss His whispers.

What stuck out to me today was verse 18... I will joy... I will joy in the God of my salvation.
What an interesting way to write that? The line above says I will rejoice, which totally makes more sense.

But... I will joy.


Joy is not just a feeling. 
Joy is a choice.

You have a choice to be joyful in the face of victory.
You have a choice to be joyful in the face of defeat.

Your joy should never be dependent on your circumstances.
But how often do you find that it is? Me too, friend...

Today, was just another reminder that...

"Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines;
though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food;
though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls - 
YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation."

The thing about choices... you always have one.
What will you choose today?

Until next time... Blessings!

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