BONUS: I may have unleashed the beast...

BONUS: I may have unleashed the beast...

Hey Friend,

Two posts in one week... something that probably won't happen very often...

But I have to tell you... 
Wednesday's post stirred something up inside.
It uncovered a deep passion that has been hidden for quite sometime.
Then I got this new book that tied it all together.
You could even say it hit a nerve.


Do you have any idea just how crazy, flippin', amazing your body was created to function?

God, the Master and Creator of the entire universe, created YOU with a flawless design.
He knit your body together in such a way that everything works in harmony.

Or it's supposed to... 

Why aren't more people talking about this?
Why aren't we more focused on leaning into our bodies
and equipping them to function the way they were created to?

Enter man.

Man and his desire for power.
Man and his desire for authority.
Man and his desire for fame.
Man and his desire for wealth.

Ya see, friend... man cannot profit off of God's patent.

Man has conditioned us to believe that in this day and age...
  • lethargy is normal
  • sleep trouble is normal
  • chronic inflammation is normal
  • skin issues are normal
  • stress is normal
  • inability to focus is normal
  • even cancer is normal

You know what all that is?
It's the result of the chemical cocktail that you feed your body every morning 
before you even step foot out the door and you are none the wiser.

I challenge you to grab every product that you use as part of your morning routine - toothpaste, 
body wash, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, makeup, hair spray, perfume/cologne - 

This is something that you must take seriously if you truly want to be well.

Man has then went on to create 'quick fixes' for all those above issues, 
and we then get caught in the viscous cycle... 
'use this to fix this and in turn it creates this issue' kinda thing, and it then starts all over.

If the 'powers that be' were to really start talking about...
**endocrine-disrupting chemicals
**natural hormone balance
**nutrition (gasp!)
...they would stand to lose millions.

People would be taking back control of their wellness.
People would be understanding how their bodies work.
People would be more aware of how harmful most man-made products are,
and they would be making better choices.

And man would lose.

Are all man-made products bad? Well, of course not!
There are still amazing companies out there that are sourcing high-quality ingredients,
and that care more about their consumers than their bottle line.
(I know this to be true because I've found one.)

You have to look for them.

While the world talks about embracing a 'new normal', let's beat them at their own game.
Let's start talking about what normal really should look like.
Let's start educating the masses about how the body works.
Let's start equipping people with the tools they need to take back control.


I think you will see a shift of topics here on the blog in the near future.

Passion. Knowledge. Platform.

You arm a green/yellow personality type (i.e. needs to know all the things and then tell all the people) 
with those three things... and you have just unleashed a beast.

So that being said, I want you to know that you are welcome to stay and you are welcome to go.
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I'm not exactly sure where this is going to lead, or what changes you may see in the future...
but hang on, it could be a wild ride, and the more the merrier!! :)

Until next time...

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