Fear is a trap...
This is a big one, guys...
Fear of people.

When you step out or speak up,
fear of their (👆) about YOU.

So what do you do?
You stay silent.
You shrink back.
You remain hidden.
Fear of people is a trap that keeps you from living out your purpose 
and walking out God's plan for your life.
What THEY think about you doesn't matter.
What God says about You far outweighs the opinions of others.
Who God says you are is what you believe and care about.
God's opinion of YOU is the ultimate authority.

First John says that 'perfect love expels all fear.' (4:18)

This perfection, this perfect love is not something that comes from us.
It is not our perfect love, but God's perfect love for us.
We can be so confident in the love of God that all fear is removed.

When you abide in God there is no room for fear to abide in you.

But... we are human, right? We know that fear always seem to creep in.
We don't have to choose to let it stay.
Even David said, "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You." (Ps. 56:3)

David didn't say if... he said when.
He knew that he was human
He know that fear would creep in.

He was already preparing for the inevitable and he knew exactly
what he would do when the time came.

He didn't say I'll try to... or maybe... 
He said I WILL.


Fear can have control over your thoughts and actions -
it can override your thinking, steal your joy, and cause
you to act irrationally or not act at all.

You must plot your plan of attack and purpose in advance

Trust is stepping out of the fear,
stepping on the lies,
and stepping into the belief 
that God can and will __________
(you fill in the blank)

Do you hide from what you know
God is calling you to because you
fear what others may think?

Trusting in the Lord means safety!

When we trust, we have hope
When we have hope, we confidently walk forward
in the anxious expectation of what God is doing...
even if we haven't witnessed Him do it yet.


What fears do you have that are holding you back?
What are you anxiously waiting for God to do in your life?

Don't waste another minute living in fear.
Put your trust in The One who will never let you down.

Take the next step,
and watch what God WILL do!

Until next time...


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