Were you born blind?

Were you born blind?

Chances are if you are reading this, you probably weren't born blind... but I bet it's safe to assume that you have found yourself presented with a situation or two in your life where you have asked the very common, one-word question, "Why?"

There's a story in the Bible about a man that was born blind. I am sure there were many times in his life when he questioned the why. 

The disciples also asked Jesus why this man was born blind. Their reasoning was very interesting. They thought it was simply for one of two reasons - either he sinned or his parents sinned.

I love Jesus' answer. "It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins... this happened so the power of God could be seen in him."

When we are faced with hard situations, situations that we just don't understand and there seems to be no good reason for, it is so easy to let Satan plant those seeds that we are being punished for something. I don't believe that is how God works.

God had a very special purpose for this man's life. He wanted to use him in a very powerful way.

But in order for that purpose to be realized, he had to endure years of darkness. Do you think in the end he felt it was worth it?

He had to be blind in order to truly be able to see. 
He got to experience firsthand the miracle-working power of Jesus.

Don't think for one minute that God can't reach into your darkness and shine His light.
Don't stop believing for your miracle.

The situation you find yourself in right now may be exactly where God needs you to be before He can rock your world. Will it be worth it?

Until next time, friend... blessings!

Is it enough???

Is it enough???
God can do amazing things with the 'little' that you think you have to offer... it's enough!

Hey Soldier... MOVE!

Hey Soldier... MOVE!

If you have ever found yourself, or are currently in, a season of struggle, frustration, discouragement, ready to throw in the towel... this is for you.

"I know your heart been broke again
I know your prayers ain't been answered yet
I know you're feeling like you got nothing left
Well, lift your head, it ain't over yet, ain't over yet so
Move, keep walkin' soldier keep movin' on
Move, keep walkin' until the mornin' comes
Move, keep walkin' soldier keep movin' on
And lift your head, it ain't over yet, ain't over yet"

Those are lyrics from a song by Toby Mac, "Move (Keep Walkin')". If you'd like to listen to the whole thing, HERE is the link.


If you have ever found yourself, or are currently in, a season of struggle, frustration, discouragement, ready to throw in the towel... this is for you.

Those seasons of life are normal. You need to be present in them, feel them, work through them... these are the seasons where you can pitch your tent, but DO NOT build your house! That is not where you are meant to live.

Those seasons will grow you, strengthen you, and prepare you for what's ahead.

"If you could see how close you are to a life altering breakthrough, You would be praising Me already." 

God is working. God is moving. God is doing His thing.


If you have ever found yourself, or are currently in, a season of struggle, frustration, discouragement, ready to throw in the towel... this is for you.

"Praise Him in advance.
Praise Him destitute.
Praise Him weary.
Praise Him broken.
Praise Him frustrated.
Praise Him hurting.
Praise Him until your heart breaks.
And watch the heavens unfold in your favor."

Praise is what keeps you moving. 
Praise is what brings down the walls.
Praise is what carries you through to the next season.


Friend, this is for you today.

God is not done with you yet. MOVE, keep walking! 

"Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune or temporary defeat."

Here's a link to a short video where I dig a little deeper into this (and get a little fired up!).

Until next time... BLESSINGS!

Bio-accu-mul-what??? Let me tell ya...

Hey Friend,

I am shifting gears a bit today in and effort to raise some awareness.

I read an article the other day, and it kinda made me mad . . . well not kinda, it did! The article is a couple years old, but the effects linger.

If you want to begin by reading the same article I did, click the picture below. Go ahead and check it out, then come back and continue . . .

"Lab tests ..... indicated almost three-fourths of the 45 food products tested detected high levels of glyphosate, which has been identified as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization in 2015."

So what do you think about that??  Did you ever imagine you could literally be feeding your family poison when you pour them a bowl of cereal or make some oatmeal??

If you are like I was, you probably didn't.  And you may be asking yourself, "Does it really matter?" or "We have been eating those things for years, and we are fine."  Yep, been there . . . but let me share with you a little bit about something called Bioaccumulation.

If you picture yourself as a glass, and you keep adding liquid to it, even if it is one little drop at a time, eventually it’s going to overflow. That’s basically what body burden is. Your fine, until one day, you aren’t. Can anyone relate to that? Have you seen this happen?

Consider this…
•Some chemicals accumulate in our bodies over time
•Impacts may show up long after exposure
•Some chemicals can become harmful or more toxic in combination with other chemicals
•Chemicals can have more impact during certain periods of development (womb, infancy, puberty)
•Even tiny doses can be very potent

So let's look at the effects of bioaccumulation because most people think exactly as above, it is such a small amount and I've been eating it for years, so I'm fine . . . but that may not be completely true!

  • The body breaks down many of the toxins we are exposed to, but not all
  • Toxins cause extra stress on the liver as it tries to process these unnatural substances
  • Oftentimes we see reactions with skin.  This can be symptomatic of bigger problems, an overburdened liver or the inability of the gut to process properly.

These very things may be why you can think now that you are fine, but over a period of time these chemicals will build up in your system and begin to cause issues . . . even things that we think are 'normal' could very well be the result of bioaccumulation.

So what can we do to prevent this, or to help ease the burden on our bodies???

1.  Avoid processed foods and eat organic whenever possible.  
I get it . . . organic is expensive . . . so do what you can. Shop the perimeter of the store because buying a bag of non-organic apples is still a better choice than that package of Oreos (guilty)!  Also, be sure you are washing ALL produce before consuming. I have a great soak that I use and it is the perfect way to make sure you are getting all that garbage off your food before putting it in your body.

2.  Avoid household cleaning and personal care products that contain harmful chemicals.
Food isn't the only place that our bodies are introduced to harmful chemicals . . . our everyday use products are loaded with them! Did you know that 26 seconds after exposure chemicals are found in measurable amounts in the human body?? Everything we come in contact with enters our bloodstream!  Become a label reader, do some research on the dangers of those things that make up your products.  The very first place I started ridding my home of toxins was my household cleaners and I was able to replace every single one of them with just one that I know is safe and effective.

3.  Restore you body's natural balance
Our bodies are capable of great things, if we give them what they need to thrive.  As you begin to eliminate the bad and introduce the good, your body is capable of healing itself and restoring it's natural functions.  Essential oils are a great place to start and are designed to bring balance to the body.  They work with our bodies naturally to support them and keep them working like they are supposed to.  In some cases, if you are really toxic, you may find it necessary to complete a cleanse in order to kick start your body into action.  

You can explore all the natural products that I use by heading over to my website and clicking on the Educate tab.  When you decide if this is a right fit for you and you are ready to get started, just shoot me a message and I would love to help!

When you know better, you can do better.  My mission is to educate, inspire and equip you to DO BETTER!!!  You matter and your family matters!  Let's reverse the effects of bioacculumation and allow our bodies to thrive!

Until next time... Blessings!

The Spacious Place...

The Spacious Place...

Happy Wednesday, my friend!

I decided to switch things up a bit today and give you the chance to actually here my voice... if you want to listen.

I had such a great chat with an amazing friend this week over in FB world, and instead of trying to type up a transcript, I thought I would just share the recording. 

If you are a plant-lover, you will love some of the analogies that are used here in reference to plants getting root bound when they outgrow their container and how that can cause them to stop growing. It is necessary to be transplanted into a more spacious container if you want to see that plant continue to grow and thrive. But that processes isn't always fun... oh, I don't want to give it all away... my typing doesn't even convey half the message, you just gotta listen and be blessed!

I am not up on all this techy stuff yet, so hopefully you can see it below and just click to listen, but if not CLICK HERE for the direct link.

Here are direct links to the groups that we mentioned if you want to check those out too...

Until next time... blessings!

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